A Travel Guide to S.C. African American Cultural Sites

LaFavor(s) Family Reunion

The LaFavor(s) Family Reunion is held usually during the Fourth of July weekend on the even years, in a destination or state along the East Coast. The reunions began decades ago in the homestead of Wrens, Georgia, near Augusta, with the descendants of Robert LaFavor gathering to celebrate their bonds and rediscover their history. His brother, Willie Albert LaFavors, left Georgia with his young family in what year and settled in Baltimore, Maryland. No one knows why he added an “s” to his last name, but that has become the legal name for his children and descendants.

So when the families reunite every other year, the gathering is called “The LaFavor(s) Family Reunion” to pay tribute to both family references.

In 2014, the LaFavor(s) family held its reunion in Pawleys Island, South Carolina, over four days. Highlights included an oceanfront picnic at Huntington Beach State Park and a family banquet at Litchfield Golf and Beach Resort. While heavy rain prevented the Sandy Island tours that were planned and other outdoor excursions to heritage areas like the Rice Museum in Georgetown, the family still gathered and used the opportunity to reconnect and rediscover their history.

Several years earlier, the LaFavor(s) Family held its reunion in Columbia, South Carolina, hosting its family picnic at Saluda Shoals Park in Irmo. Members were given an opportunity to tour African American sites in the capital city, like the African American Monument at the State House and Mann-Simons Site on Park Street.

Keepsake items from the events include the official reunion Tshirt, and the family directory and reunion program, a booklet that provides some history of the family and contact listings of family members.

The LaFavor(s) Family continues to host its reunions on even years and plans to return to South Carolina soon!